WHAT: “Double Exposure,” a collaborative project involving original student works in music and film
WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 25
WHERE: IU Cinema, 1213 E. Seventh St.
TICKETS: Admission is free, but tickets are required. Tickets may be picked up at the IU Auditorium Box office 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, or one hour before any screening at the cinema.
Feb. 23, 2018

Students rehearse for this year's "Double Exposure."
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – The innovative “Double Exposure” project returns to Indiana University Cinema for the seventh year with a new program of works created by teams of composition students from the Jacobs School of Music and IU student filmmakers, with the scores performed live by an ensemble of student musicians.
Students in the Jacobs Department of Audio Engineering and Sound Production join the nine creative teams to contribute their expertise in the areas of sound design, recording, mixing and live sound reinforcement, under the guidance of faculty member Mark Hood.
Larry Groupé, who heads the Minor in Music Scoring for Visual Media program in the Jacobs School, closely mentors the composers. He has also shared with the film students insights into his work as a Hollywood film and TV composer, providing valuable feedback about the students’ first cuts. “‘Double Exposure’ surges ahead this year with nine fresh films emphasizing the narrative story arc,” said Groupé. “Nine newly composed scores accompany this year’s journeys into beauty, the unknown and brave new worlds.”
“Watching ‘Double Exposure’ come together is a real treat,” added Susanne Schwibs, Media School lecturer who guides the film students. “It has so many moving parts—the creative work by the students, the behind-the-scenes efforts by the IU Cinema and the Advanced Visualization Lab, the participation by the Student Composers Association—it all combines to create a one-of-kind evening at the Cinema.”
Watch the trailer, with music by Groupé.
Initiated by the IU Cinema, with organizational support by the Student Composer Association, Jacobs composition faculty member John Gibson, and the IU Media School, “Double Exposure” aims to introduce students to the intensely collaborative art of combining film, music and sound.
“For the first time, we were able to use the new Georgina Joshi Recording Arts Studio to record the scores synchronized with film,” said Gibson. “This project really showcases the advanced capabilities of the studio.”
“As a composer, there is truly nothing quite like ‘Double Exposure,’” reports Tyler Habig, a senior composition major. “From bouncing ideas around with the directors during the initial brainstorming stages of the films to attending the premiere in the IU Cinema with a live ensemble performing our original music, ‘Double Exposure’ grants us the opportunity to explore firsthand the inner workings of the filmmaking process and let those experiences creatively affect how we compose. The project is a perfect balance of managing Hollywood deadlines with live concert music preparation, and it’s been incredible working with industry professionals such as Larry Groupé and Susanne Schwibs.”
Kathryn Jorgensen, a sophomore composition major, said, “Working with Professor Groupé is always a delight. He is a kind and supportive mentor who pushes you to do your best and helps you improve, while also encouraging you to find your own voice and sound. He has really helped me see that I want to continue in this field as a focus, and not just an aside.”
Jacobs student conductors Emily Rodeck and Pablo Devigo-Vázquez will lead two ensembles during the screening. Barbara Grassia, technical director for IU Cinema, will oversee the projection of film for the demanding, fast-paced program.
Linda Cajigas
Assistant Director of Communications
IU Jacobs School of Music
812-856-3882 | lcajigas@indiana.edu