David Henry Jacobs Bicentennial Dean
I am thrilled and humbled to serve as the seventh dean of the prestigious Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, and I look forward to working closely with the immensely talented faculty, staff, and students who make this such a special place.
During this next phase of the school, we will preserve and honor our tradition and legacy, manage the opportunities and challenges of the present, and create an innovative and vibrant future while preparing students to fully realize the potential of the expressive arts to change lives and enrich society.
I believe that the foundation of any long-term success is strong relationships. Accordingly, my first step is to meet and hear from the faculty, students, staff, and alumni of this remarkable institution.
Priorities also include engaging in successful fundraising for student scholarships, faculty support, and overall institutional and programmatic subsidies, and developing and executing a robust and thoughtful strategic planning process incorporating the entire community of the Jacobs School of Music.
Together, we will work to establish new priorities, opportunities, and ambitions; creatively think through the next generation of programming; and implement collaborative, innovative strategies to further strengthen our reputation and success.
I am proud to step forward with all our constituents into the school’s second century, pioneering leadership in arts education and the realization of young dreams, and welcome the opportunities that lie ahead.
Warmly yours,
Abra K. Bush
David Henry Jacobs Bicentennial Dean
David Henry Jacobs Bicentennial Dean
Eugene O'Brien Bicentennial Executive Associate Dean (Interim)
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Research, and Creative Activity
J-CDR Assistant Dean for External Affairs
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Success
Assistant Dean for Artistic Operations
Assistant Dean of Finance and Administration
Wennerstrom-Phillips Music Library Director; Chief Digital Officer