Jacobs School of Music Inclusion, Equity, Diversity & Justice Fellows
In May 2022, the Office of Inclusion, Equity, Diversity & Justice put on its first intensive Inclusion, Equity, Diversity & Justice Fellow Institute for Jacobs Faculty & Staff. The IEDJ Fellow Program is a 3-day intensive educational experience curated to increase cultural competency and awareness on both the professional and personal level for Faculty & Staff in the Jacobs School of Music. Participants who complete the program will earn the distinction of IEDJ Fellow. The IEDJ Institute’s interactive curriculum includes sessions on the following:
- Core Concepts and Fundamentals of Social Justice Education
- Socialization and Systems of Oppression
- Personal Social Identity Development and Intersections of Identity
- Dismantling Systems of Oppression In & Outside of the Classroom
- Visions and Strategies for Social Change
- Creating Inclusive Environments
Each IEDJ Fellow’s participation in the Jacobs School of Music Inclusion Equity Diversity & Justice Fellow Institute, demonstrates their commitment to continued education and learning regarding their personal cultural competency and capital as well as the importance of incorporating what they have learned into their professional practice and personal lives. IEDJ Fellows are accountable to themselves and their cohorts to continue the work towards increased cultural competency. Each Fellow understands that the work of Inclusion, Equity, Diversity and Justice is urgent, intentional and on-going.
The Office of Inclusion, Equity, Diversity and Justice would like to recognize and thank the Summer 2022 IEDJ Fellows for their time, continued dedication and commitment to inclusion, equity, diversity & justice: