Bias Incident/Safety Issue Reporting
The Jacobs School of Music is committed to maintaining an environment for faculty and students that is free from misconduct, harassment, discrimination, microaggressions, bullying, and implicit biases. Students or faculty who feel that they have experienced any of these are encouraged to report the behavior to the JSoM Executive Associate Dean,
Sexual misconduct: Indiana University defines sexual misconduct as encompassing sexual harassment and sexual violence, including rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and stalking. The following link describes the sexual misconduct policy and procedures for responding to incident sof sexual misconduct:
Harrassment: Harassment occurs when someone’s actions or words are unwelcome and violate another person’s dignity or create an environment that is intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive. The Dean of Students website provides additional information about how to report harassment:
Discrimination: Discrimination is “an action or practice that excludes [or] disadvantages...individuals or groups of individuals on the basis of some ascribed or perceived trait.” Discrimination is prohibited by University policy and by federal statute:
Microaggressions: Microaggressions have been defined as “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative...slights and insults to the target person or group” based on aspects of identity (e.g., race, gender, class, etc.). The following website provides helpful definitions and examples:
Bullying: Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The Code of Academic Ethics, section III.21, addresses bullying:
Implicit bias: Implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner. Implicit biases are pervasive; everyone possesses them. For a detailed discussion of implicit bias, see: