- Email:
- witt2@iu.edu
- Department:
- Music in General Studies Program
Alexis Witt is adjunct lecturer in music in music in general studies at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. She served as reserves coordinator and circulation supervisor in the William and Gayle Cook Music Library from 2014 to 2017.
A graduate of the Jacobs School Musicology Department, she completed a dissertation in 2018 titled “Networks of Performance and Patronage: Russian Artists in American Dance, Vaudeville, and Opera, 1909-1947.” She also completed a doctoral minor in Russian and Eastern European Studies, receiving funding from the Russian Studies Workshop at IU in the form of a predissertation networking fellowship, funded through a grant from the Carnegie Corporation. She was a Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) Scholar through the Indiana University Institute of Digital Arts and Humanities (IDAH) in 2018-19, and her year-long HASTAC project resulted in an interactive, digital component to her dissertation: http://networksalarusse.com/network/.
Her areas of interest include: Russian music and literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; American music; twentieth-century American reception of Russian and Soviet music; digital humanities and social networks; film music; the grotesque and/or absurd in opera; music history pedagogy; ballet; American vaudeville; biography construction.
When not in the classroom, she works with the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra, serving on their Board of Directors as Secretary to the Board and as the chair of their Marketing and Communications committee.